Lexical Ambiguity in the Main Character of Titanic Film
This study was aimed to find out the types of lexical ambiguity in the main characters named Jack and Rose in Titanic film. The theory used to find out the lexical ambiguity of Jack and Rose was Kreidler’s theory, they are homonymy and polysemy. Dell Hyme’s SPEAKING theory was used to find out the context of the ambiguous words. Words, phrases and sentences in the form of utterances and dialogues by Jack and Rose were the data in this study. The research design of this study was qualitative. The results showed the lexical ambiguity in Jack and Rose utterances were identified into two types namely homonymy and polysemy. To understanding whether an utterance is homonymy or polysemy requires examining the context and meanings of the words used. The context plays a crucial role in resolving lexical ambiguity, the surrounding of the words influenced the intended meaning of an ambiguous word such as: Setting and Scene, the setting of time and place of the communication was in the year of 1912 in a ship called RMS Titanic. Participant, the participant are mainly Jack and Rose. End, the outcome of the utterances was variated such as a serious, expressing happiness, giving information, and etc. Act sequence, is the sequence of action before or how the utterance of the main characters was uttered. Key, the key of the utterances was also variated such as amused conversation, small conversation, serious conversation and etc. Instrumentalities, the choice of the channel of the utterances are mostly oral. Norm, covers the rules of the conversation whether it is acceptable or not. Genre, the type of the utterances was variated such as romantic, narrative, comedy, dramatic and etc.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui jenis ambiguitas leksikal pada tokoh utama bernama Jack dan Rose dalam film Titanic. Teori yang digunakan untuk mengetahui ambiguitas leksikal Jack dan Rose adalah teori Kreidler, yaitu homonimi dan polisemi. Teori SPEAKING Dell Hyme digunakan untuk mengetahui konteks kata-kata yang ambigu. Kata, frasa dan kalimat berupa ujaran dan dialog Jack dan Rose menjadi data dalam penelitian ini. Desain penelitian penelitian ini adalah kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ambiguitas leksikal dalam ujaran Jack dan Rose teridentifikasi menjadi dua jenis yaitu homonimi dan polisemi. Untuk memahami apakah suatu ujaran homonimi atau polisemi memerlukan pemeriksaan konteks dan makna kata yang digunakan. Konteks memainkan peran penting dalam menyelesaikan ambiguitas leksikal, lingkungan kata-kata mempengaruhi makna yang dimaksudkan dari kata yang ambigu seperti: Pengaturan dan Adegan, pengaturan waktu dan tempat komunikasi terjadi pada tahun 1912 di sebuah kapal bernama RMS Titanic. Pesertanya, pesertanya sebagian besar adalah Jack dan Rose. Akhir, hasil tuturan yang bervariasi seperti serius, mengungkapkan kebahagiaan, memberi informasi, dan lain-lain. Urutan tindak, yaitu urutan tindakan sebelum atau bagaimana tuturan tokoh utama diucapkan. Kunci, kunci tuturannya juga bermacam-macam seperti percakapan geli, percakapan ringan, percakapan serius dan lain-lain. Instrumentalitas, pilihan saluran ujaran sebagian besar bersifat lisan. Norma, meliputi kaidah-kaidah pembicaraan apakah dapat diterima atau tidak. Genre, jenis tuturannya bermacam-macam seperti romantis, naratif, komedi, dramatik dan lain-lain.
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