Social class is a group of people in society classified on the basis of wealth, education, and occupation. Karl Marx described that social class in society distinguishes them as a bourgeoisie explo…
Slumberland, a unique film that tells the story of the journey of Nemo, a little girl who faces many trials in the world of dreams in order to meet her father. The main objective of this research …
This research aims to analyze the psyche of the Spring Green Man and Inquisitor Oberon the villains within the novel A Wizard’s Guide to a Defensive Baking by T. Kingfisher. This research would s…
This research analyzes the code mixing used in the film. This research aims to analyze the code-mixing type in this film, based on Imelda and Hector's character dialogue in this film. This film use…
Nature is an important aspect of humanity to stay alive and cannot be separated from people. Human and environment relationship is one of the topics that can be discussed by using Greg Gararrd ecoc…
This research aims to find out the forms of class conflict due to social class differences that occur between the bourgeoisie represented by a character named Jim Fassel and the proletariat represe…
Makanan tradisional merupakan makanan atau hidangan yang diwariskan secara turun-temurun dan telah dikonsumsi oleh masyarakat sejak dahulu hingga sekarang. Makanan tradisional pasti berkaitan denga…
Upacara pengobatan Belian Sentiyu merupakan kegiatan yang dimiliki suku dayak Benuaq. Upacara pengobatan ini dilakukan ketika ada anggota masyarakat yang sakit. Dalam proses pelaksanaan upacara pen…
Proses pemerolahan bahasa anak dapat disebabkan oleh kondisi fisik dan faktor lingkungan anak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskrisikan bentuk performansi pemerolehan bahasa anak usia 3 tahun.…